Support » Recording
Learn how to use the simple multi-track recorder built into the Free Play screen to create your own MIDI songs.

Choose the "Free Play" button from the title screen.

Choose the red, circular record button at the top of the screen to begin recording a new track.
(The record button will only appear after Synthesia has been unlocked.)

You should hear a metronome start ticking and horizontal measure guidelines should begin scrolling upward.
Now is the time to play the notes you'd like to record in your first track.
When you're finished, click the square, white stop button.

Once the recording is stopped, a new track entry should push the usual Free Play instrument and color controls down. (Or, if you have the chord display enabled, it will begin to push the chord name to the right.)
These new controls let you adjust the instrument and color of your newly recorded notes independently from your regular Free Play notes or any of your other recorded tracks.

You can adjust the tempo of all your existing tracks and any that you record later with the plus and minus tempo buttons found at the top of the screen (whenever you're not in the middle of a recording).

Recording additional tracks at this point will let you hear your previous tracks in the background.
You may record up to six tracks, after which the record button will no longer be available.

If you decide you want to delete one of your tracks, choose the trash icon from the menu bar. This will make a series of delete confirmation buttons appear beneath each track.
Choose the trash icon under the track you'd like to remove to permanently delete it. This operation cannot be undone!

When you're all finished recording tracks and making changes, choose the share button from the menu bar.
(You may be prompted to choose a save location first. Make your way to the Settings → Songs screen and choose a path by selecting the "Songs you create will be saved here" box.)
Note: It's always safe to navigate away from the Free Play screen or even close Synthesia at any point during the recording process. Your in-progress recording will still be there the next time you come back.
In the Save Song dialog box that appears, enter the name you'd like your new song to have.
The Snap to Nearest option will automatically adjust the start and end timings of your notes to fit more closely to the song's beat (which may help chords and other things line up a little more closely later while practicing the song). Choose Off to leave your notes exactly as recorded.
When you're finished, choose the Save button from the top-right corner of the dialog box.
Once you leave the Free Play screen, your new song should appear in the song list automatically. Although, because it's the first time Synthesia has seen it, you may need to follow the first-time setup steps.
Be sure to check our list of Guides for more step-by-step instructions on getting the most out of Synthesia!